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How to Enjoy Matcha With Food

There is more to matcha than drinking it. Matcha is the very fine powdered green tea that is generally quite expensive but a little goes a long way. It is used to colour and flavour green tea cake, biscuits, and ice cream, as well as being a tea. And here are some other ideas for using it with food and gaining its anti-oxidant benefits.
Matcha With Food
Steps :
1. Add matcha to yoghurt or cottage cheese. Stir through well and top with your usual favourite fruits

2. Use as a sprinkle. Matcha can look wonderful sprinkled over the top of dessert dishes, such as whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, white cheesecake, or a custard.

Green Tea ramisu
3. Add some to your crepe mix. Serve the crepes with kiwi slices and green melon to complete the green theme.

4. Make green tea tiramisu, green tea ice cream, green tea macaroons, green tea cupcakes, and green tea cookies using matcha.

green tea cupcakes
5. Add matcha to fruit smoothies. You can combine any flavours and the matcha will melt in easily, providing great nutrients

Things You'll Need :
# Matcha
# Relevant foods

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Enjoy-Matcha-With-Food
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