Warung Online


When other people ask have we ever drunk patbingsu? We may be confused to answer the question because we do not know what patbingsu is. Patbingsu is a kind of traditional drink from Korea. Patbingsu is made from red nuts combined with ice. The main ingredients are stated in the name of the drink. Pat means red nut and bingsu means ice. So, if you are able to speak in Korean language, you can easily imagine that drink.

Patbingsu is very popular in Korea. This kind of traditional drink requires red nuts and ice as the main ingredients. However, if you want to make patbingsu, you still need to add the other ingredients. You should prepare a tin of fruit cocktail, thick milk, moci, sugar, and salt. After all ingredients have been prepared, the first thing to make patbingsu is that you should wash the red nuts. Then, boil the red nuts as we make porridge. Pour the thick milk and ice into an ice cream bowl. Then, pour the porridge of red nuts, fruit cocktail, and moci into the bowl above the ice. You can decorate the patbingsu with a cherry. Now, the patbingsu is ready to serve.

However, in order to make delicious patbingsu, you should pay attention to the ingredients. You should look on the expired date of fruit cocktail tin. Besides, we can change the fruits based on our interest towards certain fruits. Let’s enjoy your patbingsu on your summer season!
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