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How to Brew Green Tea

Its healthy and its good...all you want to know about making that delicious cup of green tea.

Steps :
1. Purchase a box of green tea bags. You will find this in the coffee or tea aisle at the grocery store. If this is your first time trying green tea, I would recommend that you purchase a sampler box of different flavors of green tea. That way, you can see which flavor you like the best.

2. Boil water and pour water into a mug. Or you can just microwave a cup of water.

3. Add your green tea bag to the cup of boiling water.

4. Allow the tea bag to seep in the hot water for 3-5 minutes. You can leave the tea bag in the mug or you can remove the tea bag before enjoying your drink. Its your choice.

5. Add sugar, honey, or milk to suit your taste.

6. Now you are ready to enjoy green tea.

7. Repeat often.

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Brew-Green-Tea
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