Warung Online


We usually complain if the temperature around us is too hot. When the temperature around us is very hot, we are easy to get thirsty. We are easy to get dehydration when we are thirsty. At that time, we usually need drink which makes us fresh. We usually drink ice in order to make our throat fresh. Now, at that moment, you should try to drink dawet ice. You probably have not known what dawet ice is. Dawet ice is a traditional drink from Java, Indonesia.

Dawet ice is suitable to be drunk when we are very thirsty. This drink is made from pulverize rice, milk squeezed from coconut, lime, boiled air, pandan leaf, and ice. Those ingredients are easy to find so that you can make it by yourself. In order to make the dawet, first thing that you should do is that boil all ingredients on a big pan. Stir it until all ingredients become thick. Put the ice on a basin. Put the dawet filter above it. Pour the ingredients into the basin after the ingredients are filtered. The dawet is ready to serve.

However, we still need milk squeezed from coconut combined Javanese sugar. Boil the milk squeezed from coconut and Javanese sugar. After that, pour the milk squeezed from coconut which has been boiled with Javanese sugar into the dawet. Now, you can enjoy your dawet ice for your summer time.
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