Warung Online

How to Make Mocha Frappe

For some people, coffee is a juice of life. A cup of coffee is able to bring an energy and spirit to face the all the activities. However, if we are coffee drinker and consume the black coffee or cappuccino all the time, sometimes we can get bore. If we want to drink several coffee varieties, we must go to a coffee shop. It will be very cool if we are able to make our own coffee variety.

Frappe is one of the favorite coffee varieties on the coffee shop and mocha frappe can be a great coffee variety. To make our own mocha frappe, we can prepare ice cubes, seven oz of chilled double strength coffee, chocolate sauce, two spoons of vanilla syrup and ice cream or whipped cream for the garnish.

On a blender, we can put chocolate sauce, coffee, syrup, and ice cubes. Blend and put it to a tall glass. Add a scope of ice cream or whipped cream on top of it and voila, we have a tasty mocha frappe. We can serve it hot as well by excluding the ice cream and ice cubes. Only with a blender and a perfect recipe we can remove our plain black coffee and replace it with tasty unique flavored coffee.
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