Warung Online

How to Make Corp'l Caramel Cereal

Cereal is often times too simple and expensive. Try making this delicious, inexpensive cereal instead.
Corp'l Caramel Cereal

Ingredients :

* Gourmet caramel-covered popcorn
* Whole milk

Steps :
1. Commute to local supermarket
2. Purchase a large bag or tin of gourmet caramel-covered popcorn

3. Purchase a gallon of organic, free-range, antibiotic-free, pasteurized, name brand, whole milk

4. Return home with purchased items (don't forget your grocery bag!)
5. Find your largest punch bowl or salad bowl
6. Fill the bowl with a generous helping of the gourmet caramel popcorn

7. Add the desired amount of milk, I like to use enough to fill a pint glass (about 1.2 pints)

8. Using a large spoon, eat as you would any cereal

Tips :
# Examine the caramel-covered popcorn options at the supermarket closely. Choose the brand that appears to have the most caramel covering the kernels, as this will prevent the milk from entering into the kernel and making it soggy.

# Come back and tell us how awesome the Corp'l was.

Warnings :
! Beware the Corporal's short fuse!
! Make sure the expiration date of the milk is still in the future, as rotten milk will spoil your cereal experience
! This product is not available for retail sales in the U.S. Trademark Aaron Zorn Strategic Partner Symposium Inc.

Things You'll Need :
> Spoon
> Large bowl

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Corp'l-Caramel-Cereal
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