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How to Make a Cereal Sundae

Need a quick snack, or just something for the kids? Well, whatever your situation is, this is the perfect recipe sure to make a different breakfast treat.

Cereal Sundae

Steps :
1. Pour your favorite cereal into a bowl filling it one-quarter full.

2. Scoop some vanilla ice cream on top until it covers the cereal. This creates the filling.

3. Pour some more cereal on top.

4. Enjoy.

Tips :
# Sprinkle peanuts or other toppings on top.
# Try bananas on top
# Make several layers alternating the cereal with the ice cream
# Try different cereals for different layers

Warnings :
# Young children may choke on cereal

Things You'll Need :
# Spoon
# Bowl

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Cereal-Sundae
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