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How to Make a Healthy Cereal Breakfast

This recipe is not only healthy but it's also delicious. It uses items that are probably already in your kitchen pantry, with some additional fruit purchases. It's hard to return to commercial cereal mixes once you master the art of making your own.

Steps :
1. Make sure you have about a cup of plain yogurt and a half cup of cereal. A simple cereal, such as Corn Flakes, would work best, that way when you mix all the ingredients together, the tastes compliment each other and don't make you feel nauseous.

2. Pour the cereal into a bowl and add the plain yogurt, mixing it in thoroughly.

3. Add some fruit-flavored syrup, but sticking to jelly or jam would be a healthier choice. This is optional, since you might want to add fruit and the syrup/jelly or jam might make the breakfast too sweet.

4. Add fruit. Fruits that can be delicious to add would be any kind of berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. Nuts like walnuts and raisins are great for that crunchy texture. They are delicious and you don't need to chop them up!

5. Mix everything very well.

6. Serve with a cold glass of orange juice for vitamin C and enjoy!

Tips :
# Remember: This is a great alternative to butter and syrup drenched pancakes! It's delicious and nutritious, so you won't feel guilty about starting your day the right way! You'll be full of energy.

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Healthy-Cereal-Breakfast
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