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How to Make a Rice Banana Mix for Breakfast or Snack

This recipe is a new way to enjoy rice cereal and bananas for breakfast.

Ingredients :
* Milk
* Rice cereal; preferably Chex or Rice Krispies.
* 1 banana

Steps :
1. Pour some cereal into a sandwich baggie, for example a Ziplock bag. Smash it until you get crumbs.

2. Get a small plate and smash a banana with a spoon. You want to form more of a pudding of the banana.

3. Pour the smashed cereal into the banana pudding and mix it with a spoon.

4. Pour the mixture into a bowl. Add milk and heat it in the microwave for 10 to 25 seconds. Or you can eat it cold instead of heating it.

Tips :
# To make it easier, mix everything in a blender. However, the point of this meal is to have a mushy texture, not a soup.

# Don't act like this is a drink; there still may be chunks of banana left, so remember to chew.

Things You'll Need :
# Bowl
# napkins
# spoon
# small plate

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Rice-Banana-Mix-for-Breakfast-or-Snack
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