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How to Make Cinnamon French Toast

Ever wondered how to make homemade french toast? Well here it is! Enjoy!

Ingredients :
* 3 eggs
* 3 fourths cup of milk
* 1 teaspoon of sugar
* 1 eighth teaspoon of cinnamon

Steps :
1. Gather your materials/ingredients.

2. Put eggs in small plastic Tupperware container and add milk.

3. Heat pan and put butter spray on it let it melt.

4. Take one slice of bread at a time and cover it in the eggs. Depending on the size of your pan, place each slice of bread on the pan.

5. Let it cook.

6. Flip each slice over once the sides are cooked with the spatula.

7. Remove from heat. Serve for you and friend. Pour some syrup on your homemade french toast!

Tips :
# To avoid the bread from sticking to the pan. Make sure the pan is coated in butter.

# Get syrup!

Warnings :
# Don’t burn yourself while cooking.

# Try not to put the flame too high, you will burn the toast.

Things You'll Need :
# Pan
# Spatula
# Bowl
# Fork (whisk)

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Cinnamon-French-Toast
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