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How to Make Eggnog French Toast

Once you see the cartons of eggnog join the milk in the dairy department, you know that the holidays are right around the corner. Eggnog tastes great plain, or with a touch of your favorite liquor, But there is yet another way to enjoy it; and it's great for a holiday brunch or breakfast for friends and family, Just try adding Eggnog to the egg mixture when making French Toast. Adults only please.
Eggnog French Toast
Ingredients :
* 1 cup eggnog
* 2 cups whole milk
* 4 large eggs
* 3 tablespoons butter
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
* 12 slices of challah, or thickly cut rye, (about 1 inch thick) width white bread.
* Makes: 4 to 6 servings

Steps :
1. Take out a large bowl and crack each egg into the bowl. Add the milk and eggnog. Make sure you also add the cinnamon and nutmeg for taste.

2. Use either a blender or a whisk to completely blend the mixture.

3. Dip each slice of bread for approximately 8 seconds.

4. Heat either a George Foreman grill, a top of the stove grill or a large non stick frying pan. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter or for less caloric content use butter spray.

5. Place the soaked bread in a single layer and grill until brown. Keep checking to make sure it is done, and to also make sure it doesn't burn.

6. Flip each slice of toast over to the other side until brown. As each slice is finished, place on a large platter and cover to keep it warm. Continue in this manner until all the bread has been grilled.

7. Serve with sprinkled powdered sugar, or syrup or eat just as is. It's delicious whatever the choice.

Tips :
# Make the French toast less potent by only dipping lightly. Allow to soak for a more potent taste.

# Use about a 1" thickness, slice of bread for better absorption.

Warnings :
# It is not recommended that this be served to children. Make their batch first prior to adding the liquor.

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Eggnog-French-Toast
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