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How to Make French Toast

Have you ever wondered how to make French Toast? Follow these steps, and you will soon be basking in eggy-bread goodness
French Toast
Ingredients :
* 1 egg per slice of bread
* 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
* Non-stick spray
* 1/4 cup of milk
* Cinnamon
* Maple syrup [or any other of your preference]

Steps :
1. Crack the eggs into the bowl, add milk, vanilla, and cinnamon and beat them with a fork or whisk.

2. Set your stove to high heat and place your pan over the burner. Add a non-stick spray so that the bread will not stick to the pan.

3. Coat a slice of the bread with the mixture on both sides, and then place the slice onto the pan.

4. Turn the heat down to medium-low once the pan is heated sufficiently.

5. Cook the toast until browned on both sides.

6. Put the toast on a plate, and then serve immediately with syrup. Add hot apple sauce, cinnamon or powdered sugar for extra deliciousness and make sure to drink a glass of milk when needed.

7. Repeat steps 3,5, and 6 with however many slices you want to make.

Tips :
# An easy estimation for the amount of milk to add is to add about as much milk as there is egg in the bowl before you beat it, then beat and mix the egg and milk at the same time.

# Eggs will blend much better if allowed to sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes prior to cracking.

# French toast was initially made as a way to reuse stale bread, so a better result will be obtained if the bread is stale

# Use hard bread (a baguette or bakery bread) and soak it in the mixture to soften it before cooking it in the pan. Factory-made sliced bread may have a soggier result.

# Using stale raisin bread can eliminate the need for cinnamon and vanilla extract.

# For parties and special occasions, try using cookie cutters on the bread before soaking it in the mixture!

# Sprinkle sugar over the bread while its in the pan before flipping it to create a crunchy layer of caramelized sugar.

# Left over mix can be used to make scrambled eggs.

Things You'll Need :
# Bowl
# Pan
# Stove
# Fork or whisk
# Spatula

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-French-Toast
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