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How to Make French Toast Alternate Method

French Toast may not really be french, but it sure is tasty! Here's your guide on how to make quick french toast if you haven't made it before.

Ingredients :
(Per Batch)

* One egg
* One cup milk
* Bread (Whole Wheat actually tastes just about the same as white, and it's a lot better for you- also, whole wheat doesn't rip as much so you're left with more "complete" toast.)(Homemade bread is also tasty as long as it's sliced thinly enough!)

* Pam or other non-stick spray (But try not to use if you're using a non-stick pan--if you're not sure, use a little butter instead.)

Steps :
1. Non-stick up your pan or griddle and put it on medium heat.

2. Get your mixture ready--mix the egg and cup of milk in a medium sized bowl, so the bowl is deep enough not to spill.

3. Get out your bread- one slice at a time, dip it into the mixture and let it dribble a bit, then *carefully* lay it on the pan or griddle.

4. Making sure there's enough room to flip the slices, nearly fill the pan or griddle with the wet bread.

5. Using a flipper with a long enough handle, flip over the toast when you think it's as done is as tasty.

6. As soon as the other side is done, put on individual plates or serving plates, whichever your style, and serve!

7. Add syrup, butter, strawberries, any condiment that you like.

8. You may want to make some eggs to go with the French toast.

Tips :
# Some people like french toast mostly brown and pretty stiff, others like it more mushy and bread-colored. Whichever you like is fine, but remember that eggs can carry samonella, a food poisoning, and can pass it to you if you're not careful. Make sure to cook the food at least enough so that the eggs are cooked.

# French toast cooks pretty quickly, so if you have to leave the stove for a minute for any reason, turn the heat off and make sure there's no toast to burn or let someone keep an eye on it for you.

Warnings :
# Samonella is a food poisoning that can be carried by un or undercooked eggs. Be careful to fully cook any eggs that will be eaten, and wash your hands thouroughly before and after cooking eggs, and before eating.

# Be careful when working with stoves, burners, or open flames- make sure you're either aloud to cook alone, or that there's an adult with you.

Things You'll Need :
# Frying pan or griddle (Pans keep the liquid from getting in around the edges of the griddle, and is easier to clean, but generally holds fewer pieces of bread.)

# Spatula, or Tongs
# Stovetop, gas or electric is fine

# An adult to supervise if you're not aloud to cook alone (though you may still want to ask so you won't get in trouble, especially if you're not home.)

Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-French-Toast-(Alternate-Method)
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